Category: Blog

The Wheelman Adelaide blog

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In Adelaide, & in fact every other location we undertake wheel repairs, the most common question we receive at The Wheelman is “can you repair my machine faced wheel?” Machine faced wheels are capturing the new car market and currently occupy in excess of 60% of new car wheel styles. There are many different combinations […]

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The Wheelman blog

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Is a mobile repair on a machine faced wheel perfect? The quick answer is no, but if you stop there, you miss out on saving a dollar or two, and on time and convenience.  AND, the real truth is, The Wheelman can complete high quality mobile alloy wheel repairs that will leave you extremely impressed. […]

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Alloy Wheel Repair Specialists -Type of Wheels

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The biggest change in types of wheels on the market today is the predominance of machine faced wheels.  Whilst Wheels come in all sorts of sizes, shapes, and finishes, machine faced wheels are becoming the norm over painted or powdercoated wheels.  There are thousands upon thousands of wheels on the market and when repairing a […]

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